Parent Handbook

The Parent Handbook is a parent reference to Wild Heart’s program policies and procedures. For more information, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher, the Executive Director, or ask to see the complete Policy & Procedure Manuals.

Getting Started

Here’s a quick reference to make transitioning to our program easy! It will tell you how to get in the building, where to find your child’s classroom, and what to do when you get there. Snacks, naptimes, clothing, drop off and pickup times and all the other details…read this to make your little person’s day go great!

Membership, Fees & Responsibilities

The information found in this section of the Parent Handbook is an overview of our policies about membership. We are a non-profit society, so parents have to become members of the society. This means paying a membership fee, helping out with a casino when those come around, and attending two mandatory meetings per year. 

Health & Safety

We want to make sure everyone attending Wild Heart is properly cared for and safe no matter what the situation. The information found in the section of the Parent Handbook is a brief overview of our Health & Safety policies. It includes information about snacks, our rules about sick kids, supervision, field trips, how we handle discipline and everything else that makes Wild Heart a safe and caring place for kids.


The information in this section of the Parent Handbook is a brief overview of how the curriculum is developed. Find out more about our curriculum, field trips, use of technology, daily schedule, and plans for enjoyable outdoor play.